• Our planet needs caring for! Our focus is very much on sustainability and protecting the environment in which we live, growing your own food allows you to contribute to the change even in a small way.

    Growing your own means you are not only saving money but eating tastier more nutritious vegetables and fruit. It’s a great way to get the children involved in the garden and experiments with a variety of food, they will really engage and be proud of something they have grown themselves. Its really important to encourage them from a young age about where their food is coming from.

    There are many ways you can incorporate this into your outdoor space, you don’t have to have a large allotment patch. You can grow fruit in hanging baskets and its amazing how many edible delights you can incorporate into your boarders.

  • We have great success with beetroot, one of the easiest vegetables I think to grow, the kids love watching the first shoots poke through.
    You can grow a wide variety of things in the smallest of spaces , tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and peas, you can fill your garden with delicious things and save the planet little by little.

    Having a garden filled with culinary delights which is also beautiful to look at is a joy, whether you grow vertically, in baskets, raised beds or borders, there are endless possibilities. From Growing fruits for Jams and Chutneys to providing your own home grown veg for Sunday lunch, its something the whole family can be involved in and provides your children and grandchildren with fun and inspiration.

    There is something delightful in knowing where your food is coming from and something we should be encouraging for the next generations.